family, Fortitude, LIFE, mental load, mother, NYC, parenthood, Perserverence, Personal Development, Resignation, Resilience, Self Discovery, THERAPY, Uncategorized, Vision, Women

Moments and Currents

Reflecting on time passed. In moments like these, I can feel the undercurrents of past decisions made, roads taken in favor of another, paths visited by my soles which otherwise shouldn't have paired with them to create echoes of the click-clack-click-clack. Deep waves of sadness flow over and around me as regret sets in. I… Continue reading Moments and Currents

Fortitude, Hope, LIFE, mental load, NYC, Perserverence, Personal Development, Resilience, Self Discovery, THERAPY, Uncategorized, Women

A Season of Change

What happens when you reach an age and determine that you don't really KNOW who you are? What happens when you realize that three decades of your life has passed you by and you barely know YOU? Ha. Well let me tell you... Stop. Breathe. Relax. And start doing. I am 35 years old and… Continue reading A Season of Change

Children, family, Fortitude, Grief, mental load, mother, NYC, parenthood, THERAPY, Women

The Mental Load – The Blight of the Superwoman (Part II)

The Mental Load of a MOTHER is like that of no other.

LIFE, metropolitan, NYC, Resignation, Subway, travel

Is It Really That Hard to Get the Hell Up

On days like today, I sit back and ponder, "Is this how my mother felt?" Annoyance, disgust, or resigned to realize that courtesy seems to have flown out of an imaginary window that used to exist. The order of my feelings as I traveled New York City's purple line and bore witness to what no longer… Continue reading Is It Really That Hard to Get the Hell Up