Black Women, Feelings, LIFE, mental load, Perserverence, Resignation

Musings of a Girl in Her Feelings

Crushed. Cement and bricks up. Displaying a facade of bravery. It's false. A smile plastered on my face to cover disappointment. Words sent from my fingers hold truth. But not the whole truth. Thoughts drifting throughout the day to what once was and the potential of what could've been. The rain outside today is perfect.… Continue reading Musings of a Girl in Her Feelings

Analysis, Black Hair, Black Women, Children, compassion, family, Feelings, LIFE, mother, Natural Hair, parenthood, Perserverence, Personal Development, Resilience, Self Discovery, Strength, Unification, Women

An Ode to Black History…and my hair!

So it's been a few. Right? I know I know. I wasn't trying to be gone for so long. But something happened last weekend that has me triggered. What's it about? Let's see. I was born with it. The way it looks is determined by genetics at its root. It's the crowning glory of many… Continue reading An Ode to Black History…and my hair!

Black Women, Dating, Feelings, Fortitude, Hope, Perserverence, Personal Development, Resilience, Self Discovery, Women

Heart of Stone Heart of Gold

Feelings and emotions are a helluva thing. It's part of what makes us human. That and free will. Choice. What sets us apart from the other. What helps make us the beautifully unique representations of life that we are. Billions of cells molded together to form what we are in this vast space called...Earth. I… Continue reading Heart of Stone Heart of Gold

Analysis, Fortitude, Grief, Hope, LIFE, mother, parenthood, Perserverence, Personal Development, Planning, Resilience, Self Discovery, Strength, THERAPY, Uncategorized, Vision, Women

YOUR future doesn’t actually exist!

I heard something a few days ago, and ever since then, it's continued to tickle the corners of my mind, occasionally peeking through again for me to reevaluate and reassess. I even talked about it with a friend yet it literally kept coming back so I could try to figure it out and analyze it… Continue reading YOUR future doesn’t actually exist!

family, Fortitude, Hope, LIFE, mother, Perserverence, Personal Development, Planning, Resilience, Self Discovery, THERAPY, Uncategorized, Vision, Women

Breaking through the Mental Mazes of Uncertainty

So you wake up and start off with your daily routines. The things that have become habitual are ingrained in you so you move through the motions with barely a thought. Then off to work you go. As you travel to your destination, you begin to wonder about your true life's calling. What is it?… Continue reading Breaking through the Mental Mazes of Uncertainty

family, Fortitude, LIFE, mental load, mother, NYC, parenthood, Perserverence, Personal Development, Resignation, Resilience, Self Discovery, THERAPY, Uncategorized, Vision, Women

Moments and Currents

Reflecting on time passed. In moments like these, I can feel the undercurrents of past decisions made, roads taken in favor of another, paths visited by my soles which otherwise shouldn't have paired with them to create echoes of the click-clack-click-clack. Deep waves of sadness flow over and around me as regret sets in. I… Continue reading Moments and Currents

Fortitude, Hope, LIFE, mental load, NYC, Perserverence, Personal Development, Resilience, Self Discovery, THERAPY, Uncategorized, Women

A Season of Change

What happens when you reach an age and determine that you don't really KNOW who you are? What happens when you realize that three decades of your life has passed you by and you barely know YOU? Ha. Well let me tell you... Stop. Breathe. Relax. And start doing. I am 35 years old and… Continue reading A Season of Change

Children, family, Fortitude, Grief, mental load, mother, NYC, parenthood, THERAPY, Women

The Mental Load – The Blight of the Superwoman (Part II)

The Mental Load of a MOTHER is like that of no other.


Alternate Realities

It's so funny how sometimes you have these moments of extreme focus and clarity. Your minds' eye sees all that is right...and all that is wrong. It can guide you to a certain understanding of what you should be doing and what you shouldn't be doing. You all of the sudden know what steps to… Continue reading Alternate Realities

Discounts, Ebates, LIFE, Online Shopping, Referral, Shopping, THERAPY, travel, Uncategorized, Women

EBATES! Earning money back anyway I can! So I've decided to help spread the word and earn some cash while doing it. EBATES! Best thing in a while. ESPECIALLY if you're an online shopper. Of course there are some opportunities if you like to go in-store as well. So far, since the end of April, I've earned back approximately $33.68. This… Continue reading EBATES! Earning money back anyway I can!

compassion, family, Grief, LIFE, mother, Women

Another Tally Added in Death

Today is May 17, 2017 and another Mother's Day has come and gone. Another holiday has passed. Another day celebrated but no mother here with me to celebrate. Now don't get me wrong...I can celebrate who this woman was to me. I can celebrate her memory and cherish all those days, months, and years that… Continue reading Another Tally Added in Death

Fortitude, Hope, LIFE, Perserverence, Resignation, THERAPY, Vision, Women

Brush Your Shoulders Off. And then…

So I was alllllll in my feelings last week. Trying to further develop a plan of action for this thing called my life. Feeling like I had too many roadblocks in my way. Feeling like every obstacle I could think of miraculously decided to make itself present when all I wanted was to come up with something cohesive,… Continue reading Brush Your Shoulders Off. And then…

Grief, LIFE, Resignation, THERAPY, Uncategorized, Women

Suffering In Silence – The Blight of the Superwoman (Part 1)

There seems to be (in many cultures I'm sure, but especially if you're from a Caribbean island) this unwritten rule, an unspoken understanding, that as a woman, you have to be strong and be everything. Be a 'Superwoman'. It is your duty to be mother (even if you don't have kids), protector, nurturer, healer, teacher, assurer, homemaker,… Continue reading Suffering In Silence – The Blight of the Superwoman (Part 1)

LIFE, Resignation, Uncategorized

Reality Check 1, 2, 3

How many times have you gone through a moment in your life that felt wonderful? How many times have you thought to yourself that things were going great? And even if it wasn't great, it was good enough that you had hope? Hope for more, hope for better, hope for greater? And then slowly but… Continue reading Reality Check 1, 2, 3

LIFE, metropolitan, NYC, Resignation, Subway, travel

Is It Really That Hard to Get the Hell Up

On days like today, I sit back and ponder, "Is this how my mother felt?" Annoyance, disgust, or resigned to realize that courtesy seems to have flown out of an imaginary window that used to exist. The order of my feelings as I traveled New York City's purple line and bore witness to what no longer… Continue reading Is It Really That Hard to Get the Hell Up